Missions Opportunities
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you."
Matthew 28:18-20
At East Gaffney we strive to follow the Great Commission and reach lost people in our city, state, country, and world. God commanded us to make disciples of all nations and that is a central idea in our church.
Everyone at East Gaffney, from children to senior adults, participates in missions in one way or another. Our Youth and Children are consistently being discipled about how to live on mission, learning about missions, praying for missionaries, and participating in missions projects to support the advancement of the Gospel throughout the world.
Our missions emphasis begins in East Gaffney, our Jerusalem, and extends to our entire city, our state, and across the world.
Some of the missions we are involved in locally:
Supporting our local schools through Good News Clubs
Helping our community members with repair needs to their homes through the Jerusalem Project
Feeding the hungry out of our food pantry
Community-wide Vacation Bible School during the summer
Community Clean Up days
All of these mission works give us the opportunity to share the love of Jesus in a tangible way to our community, as well as providing us an open door to share the hope that we have in Christ, through the Gospel​
We also support missions across our state, nation, and the world by giving to:
Janie Chapman Fund
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Join us as we see to live on mission for Jesus!